Tuesday, April 3, 2012

We're Celebrating April!

Are you celebrating April?
Moms and Dads, you can help your April Birthday boy or girl win our giveaway!  All you have to do is comment below with your child's birthday, age, and what they (currently) LOVE to play with the most!
We will accept responses until Saturday, April 28th. You must be able to pick up your prize at either of our locations, Franklin or Columbus.
Party planning?  We can help!

Don't forget to bring in you kiddo to fill up a BIRTHDAY BUCKET!
Want to make birthday shopping SUPER easy for your friends and family? WE DO!
Bring in your birthday boy or girl just a few weeks before the big day and we'll let them pick some of their favorite toys, games, and books to put in their "bucket." Think baby/wedding registry for you kiddo!
When friends and family ask what the birthday boy/girl would like, you share the news of the BIRTHDAY BUCKET! Make sure you tell them that we always gift wrap for FREE and that we are happy to help with an order over the phone for out-of-town family and friends!
See....we told you that was easy!


  1. My soon to be 8 year old son, Jake, will be celebrating on April 7th. He has many things he loves to play with but I think his favorite at the moment are his Legos/Cobi building blocks. He comes up with quite the creations!

  2. Savannah turns 2 on the 6th. She loves babies and anything pretend, like little people and her tea set.

  3. Gracie McCullough will turn 2 on April 6th. She loves BOOKS....especially if they are about Elmo!!!

  4. Betty Lou will be three on April 26! Her current favorite toy is her bunny puzzle erasers.

  5. Gwen turns 7years old on the 18th. She loves playing with small dolls.

  6. Adalyn will be one on April 25th. She enjoys playing with her O ball.

  7. My little boy Ethan turns four today! He is so much fun and loves all things boy. He enjoys playing with his older and younger sisters. He always is doing something sneaky to be funny and always keeps us laughing

  8. One of my birthday boys is Cooper, and he turns 3 today, April 10th! He loves "guys" and Imaginext dinosaurs and figures.

  9. My other birthday boy is Brady, and he will be 7 on April 20th. He loves loves loves Legos!

  10. Luke turns five on April 27th! He loves to use his imagination! His passion is arts and crafts, and he loves to create new things. Luckily, his preferences for toys are simple and he loves whatever we give him. I am sure that will change but we appreciate it for now!

  11. My son Jeremiah just turned 2 on April 19. He LOVES trains and cars!

  12. My little gal, Isabel, turns 3 on April 28th! Can't believe she is growing so fast! She loves anything her big sister does especially playdoh, moonsand, and dot art. Happy Birthday, Izzy!

  13. Duncan turns 4 on April 27th. He really likes putting out fires with his Brussels Ladder Truck and wants to get a garbage truck.

  14. Vivian turns 2 on April 29th!! She loves her babies and doll house, crafts (painting, playdoh, etc) and taking anything that her big brother has!! :)

  15. Congratulations to 4 year old Ethan from the Barnes family!He is our Celebrating April Winner! Ethan's mom, email us at YourToyExpert(at)gmail.com to let us know where you'd like to claim your prize!


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