Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Celebrating January!

Welcome WINTER! And welcome WINTER BIRTHDAYS!  If your kiddo is turning 12 or younger during January, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THEM!

Each and every month we will give away a fabulous PRIZE to one lucky birthday boy or girl! Our contest is simple: Just comment on this post and tell us the name, age and, of course, what their favorite thing to play with is! One lucky winner will be selected at random. Last day to enter is Saturday, January 28th.
WINNER AND PRIZE TO BE ANNOUNCED Tuesday, January 31st! Stay tuned...
**We will not ship prizes. You must be able to pick up your prize at either the Franklin location or the Columbus location!

On another note, have you planned your birthday party yet? Let us do all the planning and you can all the fun! PARTY WITH US!


  1. Our big girl, Kaitlyn, will be turning 4 years old on January 8th! Kaitlyn loves to pretend and use her imagination- she loves art projects, dress up and even cars/trains.

  2. Elaina Joy McCrary will be celebrating her 6th birthday, tomorrow January 6th! :) When asked what her favorite thing at Imagination Station is she replied, "I really love that fairy sticker book and that tutu with a feather crown and a feather shirt - they have that." :)

  3. Emma Pietras will be celebrating her 9th birthday tomorrow, January 7th! Emma loves the little critter families and shaving foam for the bath! :)

  4. Lex Green will be celebrating his 3rd birthday on Sunday, January 15th. He loves to play almost anything- from reading books to playing babies. However, his favorite activity would be playing with cars or trains!

    1. Congratulations, Lex (and Jamie!) you are our Celebrating January Winner! Stop in and pick up your prize. Glad you love trains because we have 3 new train cars for you!

  5. Lillia Stidam will be celebrating her 8th birthday on Monday, January 30th. Last year she was very sick on her birthday and missed almost the whole week of school and had to postpone her birthday party :( We're hoping for a much better birthday this year! She loves bottle cap jewelry, ugly doll pins, making her own jewelry, arts & crafts projects, and writing in pretty notebooks!

  6. My son is turning 7 today! He loves playing with dragons.

  7. Our trusty winner picking site www.random.org selected our winner for January!
    Congratulations, Lex (and Jamie!) you are our Celebrating January Winner! Stop in and pick up your prize. Glad you love trains because we have 3 new train cars for you!


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