Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What the Store Means to Me, Erin Bollhorst

Erin's story

It's like one of those cheesy essay topics: "What the Store Means to Me." But that's what I'm writing about, from the heart.

I always say, one of my favorite things about having this store is being a part of a child's life. Being part of their childhood memories. Those memories shape us, comfort us, bring a smile to our face when we look back on them. I love that people let me hold their babies, show me their grandchildren's pictures, tell me about their potty training woes and their child's first steps.
I love seeing children grow from babies and toddlers to "finally old enough to come to a tea party", then on to American Girl or Science Events or Book Clubs... and "I can't believe how big you are getting!"  I love sharing these experiences with the families who are our customers.
I take great pleasure in finding just the right gift... that, "this is SO them, they are going to love it!" kind of gift. I love wrapping it for them and handing them something that they know will bring joy to the one they are giving it to. 

My other passion? I love providing an environment of wonder, one that invites play and learning.  I admit, I get quite excited when the creative juices flow and the shelves start to move!  A new, fresh look is always exciting! Whether it's decorating for a holiday or just creating new areas to shop and play, it satisfies in me what I said before we opened: I want this to be a place that both kids AND adults want to come back to! A stimulating environment that earns the name IMAGINATION Station.

I studied Elementary Education at Franklin College, and so I guess the teacher in me is what drives me to love doing events that engage kids. The book clubs that we hold each summer have grown from 4 or 5 kids in each group to over 20 kids in each club!!!!  In a children's book club!!  During summer vacation!!!  As an educator, I find that quite exciting!  Kids come to our events and learn about science, nature,  friendship, gardening, being an entrepreneur, manners and etiquette, even hula dancing!  We pride ourselves on putting on the best events possible.  And birthday parties are no exception!
We have never had more party bookings and take great pride in putting on quite a bash, I must say!  I admit, I still have pirate on the brain after hosting a dozen boys at a pirate party yesterday!  Twas' fun Mateys!!! 

I hope that your experiences with our store have meant something special to you. I hope we have been a happy part of your life and your children's lives. I hope that we can continue to serve our community and beyond with our uniqueness in service, product and style. Lord willing, we will have the privilege of watching this generation, and the next grow and play and we hope they will always want to come to Imagination Station!

Most Sincerely

Erin Bollhorst

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